International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

Children under attack. From Despair to Hope; Children Beyond Armed Conflict.

Every day, children living in wars across the globe are facing unspeakable horrors. They are not safe sleeping in their homes, playing outside, learning in school, or seeking medical care at hospitals. 4 June of each year is  “International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression” and is a UN observance to acknowledge the pain suffered by children worldwide. Sexual violence in conflict is the most underreported violation for both girls and boys due to stigma and lack of legal protection. Denial of access to humanitarian aid is common. There is a need for a closer look at the role of governments and society in general in protecting children’s rights. Children are the architects of a better, sustainable tomorrow. In modern times, children are being subjected to another type of aggression. It is in the form of expectations of the parents and society. The elders’ (primarily parents) desires are so imposing that there is hardly any opportunity for the young child to forget about pursuing what they like or are good at, even to explore the space. As Graca Machel said, “We want a society where people are more important than things, where children are precious; a world where people can be more human, caring and gentle.”

Every day, children living in wars across the globe are facing unspeakable horrors. They are not safe sleeping in their homes, playing outside, learning in school, or seeking medical care at hospitals. From killing and maiming, abduction and sexual violence to attacks on education and health facilities and the denial of the humanitarian assistance that they desperately need, children are being caught in the crossfires of warring parties at a staggering scale.

In August 1982, the UN, at its emergency special session discussing the conflict situation in Palestine and Lebanon and the suffering of the children, resolved to observe 4 June of each year as the “International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression“. It is a UN observance to acknowledge the pain suffered by children worldwide. The most effective way to protect children from hostilities is to eliminate the push and pull factors that lead to their involvement in armed conflict.

Sexual violence in conflict is the most underreported violation for both girls and boys due to stigma and lack of legal protection. Denial of access to humanitarian aid is common. Attacks on Schools and hospitals are on the rise, both by the armed forces and the rebels. When you look at the numbers provided by the UN, the situation is grim and alarming. In the year 2022 alone,  Over 8,600 children were killed or maimed. A 5% increase compared to the previous year. More than  7,600 children were recruited or used. The majority of them are boys. How they are exploited, and the violations they experience depend on age and gender. Almost 4000 children were abducted. Most happen in conflict-torn countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, and Mozambique. More than two million children have been killed in conflict in the last two decades. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the agency tasked with ending violence against children, was established in 1997. has several initiatives like the Global Programme to End Violence Against Children, which supports and assists its member states.

The easy targets are Schools. A UN report, 246 million children worldwide are affected by school-related violence each year. Millions of children are affected and are out of school. Half of the world’s children experience violence. We need to develop mechanisms to listen to the child impacted by violence without playing down their emotions.  

There is a need for a closer look at the role of governments and society in general in protecting children’s rights. Any abuse has a long-term impact on the individual and may remain with them for their life. Children are the future of the society. It is imperative to ensure they are protected and not subjected to abuse.  

Strengthening and implementing national frameworks to better protect the human rights of children and youth, particularly girls, who are at risk of violence, exploitation, and abuse. Ensuring that schools are free from violence and abuse and are child-friendly learning environments. Supporting opportunities to engage at-risk youth as productive members of their societies so that they have alternatives to violence and crime. There are global efforts. The Global Movement for Children is the campaign initiated by Nelson Mandela. Another one is ‘Say Yes for Children’. But there is a lot more to be done.

Children are the architects of a better, sustainable tomorrow. In modern times, children are being subjected to another type of aggression. It is in the form of expectations of the parents and society. The elders’ (primarily parents) desires are so imposing that there is hardly any opportunity for the young child to forget about pursuing what they like or are good at, even to explore the space. These wars that are happening in every household need to be stopped, and the children need to be protected. As Graca Machel said, “We want a society where people are more important than things, where children are precious; a world where people can be more human, caring and gentle.”

Toons: Reema, Advika and Anusha  
Logs: M Sai Baba

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